Virginia Golfer Jan / Feb 2016 | Page 20

V S The Golfers Of The Year G A » Defeated J.P. Leigh of Suffolk in the rain-shortened (27 holes) VSGA Super Senior Stroke Play Championship with a 10-foot birdie putt on the second extra hole at Elizabeth Manor Golf and Country Club in Portsmouth. » Teamed with Leigh to win VSGA Super Senior Four-Ball Championship by four strokes at the Country Club of Petersburg. » Reached the second round of match play in the VSGA Senior Amateur at Cavalier Golf and Yacht Club in Virginia Beach. » Won Hall of Fame Super Senior at High Point Country Club’s Willow Creek course in High Point, N.C.; won Gateway Super Senior Invitational in Fort Myers, Fla.; won Society of Seniors John Kline Super Seniors in Orlando, Fla. » Won Richmond Golf Association Super Senior Championship. 18 John Cuomo VSGA SUPER SENIOR GOLFER OF THE YEAR (ages 65 and over) HOME CLUB: Stonehenge Golf & Country Club, Midlothian QUICK TIP Cuomo constantly works on tempo when practicing. “So I can keep my tempo consistent, I’ll hit high shots, low shots. I’ll hit different lies with all different clubs,” he said. “That helps me when I’m playing competitive golf so I don’t get quick or I don’t get slow. It’s not a new experience (on the course). I’ve done it over and over again.” CHAMPIONSHIP MOMENT “If I just keep doing what I practice, I know the ball sooner or later is going to V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | J A N UA R Y / F E B R UA R Y 2 0 1 6 get close to the hole and I’m able to knock it in,” Cuomo said. “I did that with J.P. in the (VSGA Super Senior Stroke Play) playoff. The first hole was 20 feet, no big deal. The second hole I knocked it to 10 feet and knew I could make it.” OFF THE COURSE Cuomo lives in Richmond for half the year and in Venice, Fla., the other half. He spends time in the gym stretching and working on golf specific exercises; works on putting mechanics; and likes to read about golf and the golf swing. MATT SMILEY/VSGA 2015 ACCOMPLISHMENTS