Virginia Golfer Jan / Feb 2016 | Page 18

V S The Golfers Of The Year G A QUICK TIP Pulk played well enough in 2014, but he sabotaged himself on the greens by missing too many short putts. When those 3- to 6-foot knee-knockers failed to disappear into the cup, potentially great rounds became just pretty good rounds. He rectified the issue through practice, and a simple stroke of a Sharpie. “This year, I really worked on alignment, and that really helped me to make those,” Pulk said. “I started putting a line on my golf ball and lining up the short putts with that line and concentrating on stroking through. I think that made the difference in the major events that I was able to win this season.” To wit, Pulk poked home a couple of short birdie putts on No. 15 and No. 16 in the final round of the Senior Open of Virginia, giving him the separation he needed to claim the title. CHAMPIONSHIP MOMENT Pulk’s Senior Open win was his first victory in a VSGA-sponsored event. But the seeds Dave Pulk VSGA SENIOR MEN’S GOLFER OF THE YEAR (ages 50 and over) HOME CLUB: Two Rivers Country Club, Williamsburg for that showing at The Country Club of Virginia’s Westhampton Course were planted two months earlier at Keswick Golf Club. Playing in a group with some of Virginia’s most accomplished golfers— Keith Decker, David Partridge and Pat Tallent—Pulk fired a second-round 71 to secure a two-stroke victory in the Middle Atlantic Senior Amateur Championship. “I really appreciate the opportunity to compete against such a high caliber group of golfers,” Pulk said. “It could have been any of the four of us. I was fortunate enough to win that day. I think it made a big difference in how the rest of the summer went.” Pulk moved to Williamsburg from Northeast Ohio about four years ago, and since then, he had come close to breaking through in some of the state’s signature events. He played on sides that finished second in both the VSGA Four-Ball Stroke Play Championship and VSGA Senior Four-Ball Championship in 2015. Pulk finished third in his previous two Senior Open of Virginia starts. “When I won that tournament, it felt like I was welcomed and considered part of the Virginia family, from a golfing standpoint,” Pulk said of his Middle Atlantic win. Considering his success in team events, Pulk was already there. In three years as a member of the Virginias Captain’s Putter team, he’s won 8½ out of a possible nine points in his matches. OFF THE COURSE Golf isn’t just a passion of Pulk’s on the course. He’s active in many ways at his home club, Two Rivers, serving on numerous committees, including the golf and membership committees, where he tries to “help the experience of the existing members as well as attracting new members to the club.” Pulk also has an interest in politics, and he hasn’t ruled out trying to run for a congressional seat in the future as an independent candidate. 2015 ACCOMPLISHMENTS » Shot a two-day 134 to win the Senior Open of Virginia by four strokes over Tom Grady. » Won the Middle Atlantic Senior Amateur in July by two strokes. » Qualified for match play at the U.S. Senior Amateur, advancing to the round of 16 before falling to Tim Jackson, who advanced to the semifinals. » Teamed with Skip Zobel to finish second at the VSGA Senior Four-Ball Championship and tied for eighth at the VSGA Senior Stroke Play Championship. Teamed with Nathan Dean to tie for second at the VSGA Four-Ball Stroke Play Championship. CHRIS KEANE/USGA » Finished atop the VSGA Senior Player Rankings, 160 points clear of No. 2 James Gallagher. 16 V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | J A N UA R Y / F E B R UA R Y 2 0 1 6