Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Winter 2012 Issue | Page 25

RECIBIMIENTO Y RECONCOCIMENTO: RECEPTION AND RECOGNITION On Sunday, November 20, in a packedto-overflowing worship space, the congregation of La Iglesia de Santa Maria, Falls Church gathered to celebrate the reception and recognition of the Rev. Roberto Orihuela as a priest in the Episcopal Church, and his installation as vicar of Santa Maria. This particular celebration was a special one for the Diocese of Virginia: a diocesan service conducted entirely in Spanish. The Rt. Rev. David C. Jones – who has been studying Spanish for several years now – presided at the service, and the Rev. Canon Susan Goff, also a Spanishspeaker, participated in the examination and installation. The congregation followed along in an order of service that was printed in both English and Spanish, side-by-side. Orihuela comes to the Episcopal Church from the Roman Catholic Church. He has served at Santa Maria as pastoral director for three years and now assumes the role of vicar. t Photos: Tyler Fox (Top) The Rev. Roberto Orihuela and his wife, Helkha Pinto, celebrate his reception and installation as vicar with the congregation of Santa Maria. (Left) The Rev. Robert Orihuela celebrates the Eucharist at his ceremony of reception with the Rt. Rev. David C. Jones, left, and the Rev. Canon Susan Goff, right. LIVERPOOL PARTNERSHIP GROWS The Rt. Rev. Richard Blackburn of Warrington, bishop suffragan of Liverpool, celebrates the Eucharist at Meade Memorial, Alexandria. Bishop Blackburn and his wife, the Rev. Helen Blackburn, and the Rev. Malcolm Rogers, chair of Liverpool’s Partnership & Links Forum, visited the Diocese of Virginia in October as part of the growing partnership between the Diocese of Liverpool and Virginia. The team also visited St. Christopher’s School and Grace & Holy Trinity, Richmond. Over the next few years, Liverpool and Grace & Holy are planning a youth exchange program. In addition, Helen Blackburn attended a conversation for female clergy, and Bishop Blackburn met with the Committee on Race Relations. Bishop Blackburn served as retreat leader at the Bishop’s Fall Clergy Retreat at Shrine Mont, where Rogers connected with a number of Virginia parishes interested in linking with Liverpool parishes. t (Left to right) Rogers; The Rev. Mary Dogue-is, a seminarian from the Philippines; Blackburn; and the Rev. Collins Asonye, rector. Winter 2012 / VIRGINIA EPISCOPALIAN 23