Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Winter 2012 Issue | Page 11

COUNCIL WILL GATHER FOR BUSINESS, FAREWELL EMILY CHERRY ving Chri er i y od Sp rit st S As clergy and lay leaders from across the Diocese gather at the Hyatt Regency Reston January 26-28 for the 217 th Annual Council meeting of the Diocese of Virginia, they will also prepare to celebrate and honor the Rt. Rev. David C. Jones’ ministry as bishop suffragan. On Friday the Council Eucharist will include a service of leave-taking, followed by a dinner and celebration. In addition to the regular business of Council–reviewing and voting on resolutions, electing a new class to the Standing Committee and approving a diocesan budget–Council will feature a series of workshops that include opportunities for professional development, networking and even spiritual growth. Topics includes congregational development, church communications, anti-bullying, political civility and more. The Rt. Rev. Jane Holmes Dixon, retired bishop suffragan of the Diocese of Washington, will join Council attendees as chaplain under the theme “Serving Christ: Spirit, Mind and Body.” t M in d B Need to Know Learn more at Wednesday, January 11 is the last day to register for Council in advance. After that date, registrations will be processed on-site. Nominations, resolutions, canonical amendments and annual reports of committees, commissions and related organizations must also be submitted by Wednesday, January 11. Plan to attend the Pre-Council Open Hearings on Saturday, January 14 at All Saints’, Richmond at 10 a.m. If you can’t participate in person, you may send your comments and feedback to [email protected] or [email protected]. On-site open hearings will take place at Council for those resolutions and amendments submitted from the floor. A packet of print-ready Council materials will be available on the diocesan Web site with a “safe to print” designation on Thursday, January 12. Supplemental materials may still be posted to the site after that date, so please check your e-mail for updates from the Council office. Council check-in and on-site registration opens on Thursday, January 26 from 5-7 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Reston, and will feature a welcome reception. Check-in and on-site registration continues starting at 7 a.m. on Friday, January 27, with Council convening at 8:30 a.m. This year’s Council will feature a series of practical and informative afternoon workshops, followed by a celebratory Eucharist and service of leave-taking in honor of Bishop Jones. Following Eucharist, members and guests of Council are invited to a special dinner (with music by Kay Jones’ new favorite band, E3) in honor of Bishop and Mrs. Jones. All may come to the Eucharist. Those who then wish to attend only the dinner (and not any part of Council) may contact Anna Moncure and submit payment of $50. Questions? Contact Anna Moncure at 800-DIOCESE x1025 or [email protected]. Winter 2012 / VIRGINIA EPISCOPALIAN 9