Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Summer 2013 Issue | Page 5

Response to Gun Violence Issues of morality and legislation Emily Cherry At the January 2013 Annual “engages people of faith and Council, the governing body community organizations of the Diocese of Virginia in addressing the escalating made its voice clear: “The violence against youth in 218th Annual Council of Chicago.” The multi-faceted project promotes advocacy the Diocese of Virginia for background checks and encourages all members of other measures to reduce this Diocese to work within gun trafficking, as well as our churches through prayer, employing young folks, preaching, education and providing opportunities to advocacy, toward reducing stay safe and learn new skills. the gun violence that kills so many of God’s children in Photo: The Rev. Deacon Mary Beth Emerson The Rev. David Knight’s life our nation.” In two separate Episcopalians marched to the nation’s Capitol in a sign of solidarity changed forever on January resolutions – one a response against gun violence during Holy Week. 30, 1997, as a direct result to gun violence, the other of gun violence. During a on action to reduce gun session of Annual Council, his 21-year-old son, Jamie, was shot violence – Council voted to support the reinstatement during an armed robbery at a Friendly’s restaurant, where he of a federal ban on military-style, semi-automatic assault was a manager trainee. weapons, as well as tighter control on gun sales and mental “It is not a political issue,” said Knight. “It is a moral health care reform. issue, an issue of faith. What is the Church’s response to In the wake of the December 2012 tragedy at Sandy Hook God’s call to us to address matters that seriously affect our Elementary School in Newtown, Ct., the Episcopal Church culture and the lives of people?” has been taking a closer look at how the Church responds Knight was one of 13 clergy and lay people who joined to acts of gun violence – and what steps can be taken to Johnston in a conversation on the Church’s witness to gun prevent it. A group called Episcopalians Against Gun Violence, violence prevention during the Bishop’s Spring Conference at self-described as “an ad-hoc group of bishops, clergy and Shrine Mont in May. “Bishop Shannon reminded us that this lay people disseminating information about Episcopalians matter is not going away, and the voices in the Church should who are working, collectively and individually, to curb gun not go away, either,” said Knight. violence,” has taken shape on Facebook. On March 25, about “I believe the Church is really called to address this 20 Episcopal bishops – including the Rt. Rev. Shannon S. issue,” he added. “So often in parish ministry, churches don’t Johnston, bishop of Virginia – led hundreds of Episcopalians want to touch controversial issues. It’s easier to paper over in a Stations of the Cross walk to the U.S. Capitol, in a march something than to deal with it. But if we can’t discuss an against gun violence. And Johnston has also joined together issue, we can’t solve it.” t with fellow bishops against gun violence. “‘Bishops against gun violence’ does not translate into ‘bishops against guns,’” cautions Johnston. “We want to learn