Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Summer 2013 Issue | Page 26

Transformative Development in El Salvador “ group of parishioners from Virginia could donate $7,000 to pave the road. A But that wouldn’t solve the problem. That’s not going to fix the system which didn’t pave the road in the first place.” – oah Bullock, Executive Director, Foundation Cristosal. N At the end of February, Buck Blanchard and Ashley Cameron from the Office of Mexico Belize Mission and Outreach traveled to El Salvador to learn how Foundation Cristosal is empowering Salvadoran citizens to fight for the rights given to them in their own Honduras constitution. Foundation Cristosal’s ministry is unique: Instead of focusing on building Guatemala a house, for example, or teaching vacation Bible school, the human-rights based El Salvador Nicaragua organization listens to those who have been marginalized in their own country, and helps them organize their communities to find ways to move out of poverty by insisting on their constitutional protections and human rights. Read on for an excerpt from an Episcopal News Service story about this ministry. Costa Rica Panama Human Rights-Based Development Lynette Wilson for Episcopal News Service Without a skilled driver and a fo \