Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Summer 2013 Issue | Page 24

Agnew Awarded for Ecumenism On May 14, the Rev. Dr. Christopher Agnew, longtime priest of the Diocese of Virginia and priest-in-charge of St. Paul’s, Montross, received the Faith in Action Award from the Virginia Council of Churches for his work in ecumenical and interfaith outreach. At an awards lunch at Epiphany Lutheran Church in Richmond, members of the Virginia Council of Churches gathered to celebrate Agnew and the other honorees: Alfred Street Baptist Church, another Faith in Action recipient, and the Rev. Cecil McFarland (1930-2012), who was recognized with a lifetime ecumenist award. “Our ecumenical witness must always have in it the witness of servant ministry, and that ministry must have as its basis love for one another as Christ has loved us,” said Agnew, upon receiving the recognition. Agnew, pictured here with his wife, Elizabeth, previously served on the presiding bishop’s staff as an associate ecumenical officer. Today, he is the ecumenical officer and co-chair of the Committee on Ecumenical & Interfaith Relationships for the Diocese of Virginia, and vice president of the National Episcopal Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers. He is an accomplished author and historian, having served as the president of the National Episcopal Historians and Archivists. In his remarks at the luncheon, Agnew recalled his Photo: Emily Cherry The Rev. Dr. Christopher Agnew and Elizabeth Agnew. first interaction with ecumenism, 50 years ago when he was a student at Bucknell University and served on the Christian Association. “We must steadfastly and persistently keep after the work of Christian unity,” said Agnew. This award recognized Agnew’s own steadfastness and persistence. t GH_DoV Ad_Nov12_Layout 1 11/13/12 12:39 PM Page 1 Celebrating a Tradition of Excellence, Creativity and Individuality S teeped in the tradition of the Episcopal Church, Goodwin House Alexandria and Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads have a proven history of providing exceptional lifestyle and care for older adults in the Northern Virginia. Both Communities have: n Spectacular art and education programs n Opportunities for community engagement and volunteering n On staff Chaplains with various services throughout the week n Formal, casual & outdoor dining venues n Wellness Centers and health clubs with indoor pools n Our lifecare program as well as Long-term Care Insurance and refundable entrance fee options Call or come see us today. Goodwin House Alexandria 4800 Fillmore Ave. Alexandria, VA 22311 703-578-1000 Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads 3440 S. Jefferson St. Falls Church, VA 22041 703-820-1488 www.goodwinhouse.o