Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Summer 2013 Issue | Page 15

Graveyards, Tombstones & Stories Told Photos: St. David’s Communications Ministry St. David’s, Ashburn The cemetery at St. David’s Episcopal Church & School sits in the shadow of the ruins of the historic Belmont Chapel, built by Margaret Mercer in 1840. Mercer purchased Belmont plantation to establish a progressive Christian school for young ladies, including a chapel. Following her death in 1846, Belmont Chapel remained the center of community religious activity until it fell into disrepair in the mid-1950s. A fire in 1963 destroyed all but the foundation and a portion of the grand stone facade of the chapel. The property was almost forgotten until Victoria Heard, curate of St. James in Leesburg, discovered a land deed that restored the Belmont property to the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia. In 1989, a new covenant community was established at Belmont named after David. Leeds, Markham The top of this monument gravestone (right) is broken off to sign