Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Summer 2013 Issue | Page 13

Photo: Teri Moy (Top) Jennifer Lassiter shouts from the rooftop of the historic mansion that is at the heart of the Paxton Campus. Katelyn, Lassiter’s daughter, is the driving force behind Lassiter’s work with the Aurora School and the Paxton Campus. architect,” for example. And a call would come with a grant opportunity to fulfill that very need. The property acquisition did not come without a good deal of challenges. The 11 buildings on the Paxton Campus had not been used in years, and many were in a state of disrepair. But still, it had potential. Lassiter toured the property in 2005. In 2008, she signed the lease. And in December 2009, the Aurora School held its first class on the newly renovated Paxton Campus. Today, the Paxton Campus has morphed into a full-service organization for those with disabilities and their families. In addition to the Aurora School, there’s the Open Door Learning Center, an inclusive preschool, and the Ally Advocacy Center, which provides free information on disability rights and more. Maggie’s Closet is a fairly new initiative where people can contribute clothing and families can stop by to receive free donations. The Paxton Attraction is a store on camp