Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Summer 2013 Issue | Page 11

St. Thomas’, McLean The Rev. Deacon Mary Beth Emerson Picking my head up off my desk after hours-long searches for formative Vacation Bible School programming, I get a call from Julie Mendoza, co-founder of the Gardener’s Share, a local not-for-profit promoting vegetable gardening for our neighbors in need. Julie and I met the next day, crafting possibilities for a community garden here at St. Thomas’, McLean. Prayer and conversation were followed by Mustard Seed deadlines met, and our Elementary Episcopal Youth Community broke ground for our raised beds in April. Over two consecutive weekends, our beds were built and filled by gardeners aged 3 to 70-plus. Planting continues, with the McLean Pre-School, our Sunday School classes and St. Thomas’ parishioners across generations participating.  Growing right now are carrots, spinach, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupe and more. Our homegrown VBS curriculum, “Ready, Set, GROW!” will incorporate work in the garden with Godly Play, lessons from Episcopal Relief & Development’s “Abundant Life Garden Project,” cooking, arts and crafts, and a visit to a local family farm and intentional community.  Harvested produce will be delivered regularly by St. Thomas’ parishioners to SHARE of McLean, our community’s food bank. “This is a wonderful opportunity for us to serve our wider community while we build community within our The Falls Church, Falls Church Nina Bacas The Falls Church Episcopal (TFCE) is striving to rebuild its congregation and fulfill its mission to be “a welcoming group of believers whose message is one of trust in the hope- filled promises of Jesus Christ, of love for one another and service to the community.” In the restart of TFCE’s ministries, the vestry and congregation have consistently identified youth ministry as a key part of our calling to the church’s mission. Participants in the Vacation Bible School at St. Thomas’, McLean, will join in caring for this community garden – and the harvest will benefit a local food bank. parish,” said the Rev. Stephen Edmondson, the rector of St. Thomas’. “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants.” (Matthew 13:31-32). Our garden grows, possibilities grow, connections grow – and we are grateful! The Mustard Seed Grant award will enable us to grow