Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Fall 2013 Issue | Page 25
Maggie McGraw
design consultant
Interior & Exterior
Furniture Arrangement
Spacial Planning
Diocesan Missionary society
... minimizing effort
Personalizing Space
Problem Solving
Landscape Design
[email protected]
Annual Holiday
Crafts Bazaar
October 25 and 26, 2013
Friday 1–7 PM & Saturday 9AM – 4PM
thinking of borrowing?
The Diocesan Missionary Society of
Virginia announces a new short-term loan
program for needs up to $100,000, for
24 to 60 months, at competitive rates.
Also, DMS now offers new, lower rates
for long-term mortgages. Contact
Joy Buzzard for more information:
800-DIOCESE x1022 or
[email protected].
Free Admission!
Crafts! Gifts! Food! Raffle! Bake Sale!
All Saints Episcopal Church—Sharon Chapel
3421 Franconia Rd, Alexandria VA, 22310
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Celebrating a Tradition of Excellence,
Creativity and Individuality
teeped in the tradition of the Episcopal Church, Goodwin House Alexandria
and Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads have a proven history of providing
exceptional lifestyle and care for older adults in the Northern Virginia.
Both Communities have:
n Spectacular art and education programs
n Opportunities for community engagement and volunteering
n On staff Chaplains with