Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Fall 2013 Issue | Page 23
Respect, Dignity, Compassion, Justice
Issues of immigration reform
Emily Cherry
In a June 2013 statement, the presiding bishops of the Episcopal Church
and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America joined their voices
together in celebration of the Senate’s passage of comprehensive
immigration reform. “We will continue our prophetic witness to justice,
calling for immigration laws and policies that unite all families and treat
all persons with dignity and compassion,” wrote the Most Rev. Katharine
Jefferts Schori of the Episcopal Church and the Rev. Mark Hanson of the
ELCA. They spoke of ongoing and bold advocacy, of policies of welcome
and compassion.
The language found in that letter –
dignity, justice, welcome, compassion –
characterizes the tone that many in the
Episcopal Church have adopted toward
policies of immigration reform.
In July, La Iglesia de San Jose,
Arlington, and St. George’s, Arlington,
joined together in a prayer service for
immigration reform. “As a