Seven Seas Grandeur TM
Delivering unrivaled space in both expanse and elegance , Seven Seas Grandeurâ„¢ embodies an air of the majestic with modern style and sophistication . These modern touches , bathed in warm , lush finishes and exemplified by the masterful work of seasoned craftsmen , create a welcoming marriage of what has been with what will be .
Like the overlapping flow of petals on a fragrant gardenia , thousands of individual crystals are stitched into waves of illuminated style and grace above the center floor of the observation lounge . This stunning room , lavished with refinements reminiscent of the organic style of Art Nouveau , is layered with spaces for every mood , from quiet alcoves looking out to sea to warm gathering places to dance-floor seating . These and other public spaces throughout the ship implore comfort , exude class and drip with sophistication — all ideal for delivering your perfect onboard experience .
Discover the epitome of sumptuous living on the ocean with unrivaled space at sea , inspired cuisine and the enjoyment of cruising with like-minded travelers . Sit back , relax and anticipate your next journey .