Wrong! There was still so much to do but
at least I had an idea to go on”.
Having decided on a coastal theme for
the interior, the next stop was deciding
on the exterior color scheme. Janet says
that it was very important to her to stay
within the original lines of the Oasis’
original paintwork.
“I wanted an ocean and fish and all sorts
of things you would see if you were
snorkeling painted on her”, she tells us,
and was referred to a painter named Ed
Hubbs to transform the previously housepainted
pink and white exterior of the
Oasis into an under the sea mirage.
“Oh my! I told him to use the photos I had
given him as the main idea but let him do
his design. It was so fun and so exciting
seeing what he did. It was his first vintage
trailer and he was just as proud as I was”.
With the necessary repairs and exterior
paint complete, it was time for Janet
to get busy on the interior. Firstly, she
primed everything, took all cabinet doors
off, soaked all the hinges in a crock pot
and cleaned them all up before painting
with stripes and plaids and a little glitter.
On the kitchen splashback she used a 3D
Wainscoting wallpaper and has a tip for
anyone using wallpaper in their trailers:
“When doing wallpaper, I always
paint under it the same color as the
background” she tells us, “Even if it says
“pre-pasted” I still add more paste. That
I felt so proud to
have her all done.
Everyone who saw
her said she was like
a breath of fresh air.
Light, bright and with
lots of windows.
way if you haven’t cut it perfect it will
never show”.
She went on the hunt for lamps that
looked like they’d belong right at home
in a seaside cabin but says that she had
a hard time deciding on what to put on
the floors until she found the sanded
rock tiles that she instantly knew were
just right.
“It just all went together. But boy, was it
messy!” she laughs.
Once the trailer had been fitted out with
all the modern conveniences such as a
new fridge, microwave, a toaster oven,
coffee pot and portable induction units
she took her newly christened trailer
“Miss K.T.T.” (For the first letter from
each of her grandchildren’s names) on
her first outing to a beautiful secluded
park in Riverbend just outside of Foster,
“I felt so proud to have her all done.
Everyone who saw her said she was like a
breath of fresh air. Light, bright and with
lots of windows. The reactions I have
received have been outstanding. Both
women and men have told me how much
they love seeing her and that makes my
heart very happy. I know it’s not vintage
in decor, but I grew up with all that stuff
so this time I just wanted something to
please me. My trailer is my happy place.
She was a pleasure to do and I love her”.
vintagetrailermagazine | 37