Eventually Rick finished rebuilding the
interior and I began painting the inside.
After the new cushions were finished,
and the waterproof laminate flooring
was installed, it was time to paint the
outside. Luckily, we have a neighbor who
has a huge pole shed that we could use
for the exterior painting.
My favorite day was the day we moved
Beatrice back home and into her new
spot in the backyard in July of 2018. We
were on a bit of a time crunch as we had
an open house to introduce her to our
family and friends planned for the end
of July. We made it and on July 21, 2018
Beatrice was christened with a bottle of
After some more tweaks and with the
installment of her new removable picket
fence, Beatrice is now finished, and I have
been working, relaxing, and occasionally
sleeping in her. It is my happy place and
I am so in love with her.
Even after all the hard work and money
(it’s not inexpensive to do this), I would
do it all over again. Maybe Rick would not
agree! She sits proudly in our backyard
for everyone that passes by to see. We
have had many people stop wanting to
take a look at her.
Why did I pick Beatrice as a name? Since
I’m a Francophile, I wanted a French
name. After researching names and
meanings, I found Beatrice. In French her
name means “voyager” How fitting for a
person who loves to travel and is a travel
I am looking forward to many happy
hours writing in Beatrice in my backyard.
Whenever I’m looking for more travel
adventures to write about, I can just
hook her up and go!
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