Vintage Caravan Magazine Issue 37 | Page 20

their endeavors for the old Frontier Motel they had recently bought last time I came through were long gone, the place once again empty and overgrown with weeds. Another Route 66 Icon left disintegrating into the dusty surrounds. I stopped by Seligman and Angel Delgadillo’s Barber Shop, but Angel was not there this time. I wanted to tell him that I have not cut my hair once since he graciously agreed to cut it for me in 2015. On a previous visit he had told me that my hair and the way I dressed reminded him of his mother. I will never cut it again because for the rest of my life I want to be able to say that the last person who ever cut my hair was the Angel of Route 66! From Seligman I headed off keeping to 66 through Ash Fork and on to Williams where I parked up right outside the Cruisers Café 66 Diner and once again became an attraction for happy snappers, posing with a bevvy of Japanese tourists before hearing the sound of a very familiar accent as an Australian couple who had come to my Australian home in Maleny years ago to buy some back issues once called out to me. What a small world! “We knew it was you!” they said and we laughed at the odds of us being in the same place in the same part of the world so far away from where we were from. Keen to hit to the road for Winslow to go stand on a corner, we said our goodbyes and at that moment up rolled a big pickup beside me, and from out the window a booming voice says “Well hello there little lady!” and who should it be but the mayor of Williams himself, my Buddy John Moore who had been such a wonderful host when we had hit up Williams with the Sisters on the Fly Route 66 tour a couple of years ago. “I had been wondering if I would bump into you!” I said. So we went and had a Route 66 soda float and a catch up down the road at Twisters Soda Fountain. A few more photos later, and it was time for me to keep rolling as I had ambitiously intended to drive the 436 miles to Gallup that night to meet up with some of my Sisters on the Fly friends who were also heading there. I say ambitious because I didn’t take into account the hours I would spend lingering, taking photos, catching up with long lost friends… and breaking down! Yes, unfortunately it happened en route to Winslow, so I missed out on standing on the corner this time (but I did go back and do it again on the way back home!) 18 | vintagetrailermagazine