amazing artist’s painting trailers live.
Before the Graffiti Trailer Project started
all of the painted trailers were done by
us, at our shop.
Everyone in our family likes to paint,
which helps! If I had to say what mostly
inspired the Graffiti Trailer Project, it
would be simply the combining our
family’s two loves: Vintage Trailers and
Art. We asked the question: “What would
it look like if we combined our many
talented friend’s art with our vintage
trailer collection, and well now it is an
ongoing collaboration between Vintage
Deluxe Trailer Shop and local artists
based out of San Francisco, Oakland,
and Sacramento. We’re very excited with
where the project is branching out into!
Our favorite part of the process is
watching these incredible artists painting
live. Adding their killer custom paint is
the frosting on the top for sure. Then, of
Our favorite part of the process
is watching these incredible artists
painting live. Adding their killer
custom paint is the frosting on the
top for sure.
12 | vintagetrailermagazine