I am a mother of two. My oldest son is
now married and I hava a daughter who
was born with Spina Bifida. I have had
many different jobs as an adult. First, as
a licensed Interior Designer and currently
a Flight Attendant for a charter airline
and part time accounting clerk for an
aricraft part supplier. However, mostly
I was being a primary caregiver; first for
my daughter, then later as caregiver for
both my mother and father. It was while
caring for my mother that I decided I
needed a project that I could work on
while still caring for her. A family friend
had mentioned in passing, several years
earlier, about a group of women who
have their own trailer and camp together.
The idea appealed to me, but it wasn’t
the right time in my life to pursue it. For
this reason, when life presented me the
opportunity to get out and camp again, I
knew I didn’t want a tent, and I certainly
I wanted something
with a history, with
“style”, or what I could
give style! She HAD to
did not want just any “old” trailer, I wanted
something with a history, with “style”, or
what I could give style! She HAD to have
PERSONALITY! It had to be vintage, and
have that “canned ham” shape.
It wasn’t until May 2014 that I first
started looking on Craigslist for just the
right trailer. I was looking for vintage and
around ten-foot, but every one I found,
I either couldn’t get to see personally
because of my schedule, or I didn’t act
fast enough and they had been snatched
up by someone else. There was this
one particular trailer that stayed out on
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