hen she isn’t busy
making, fixing, rescuing,
selling or rebuilding
something, René Perret
works from her floating home on the
Lewis River as Executive Director for
North West Region of the EMS. This fortysix
year-old mother of five adult kids
ranging in ages from eighteen to twentythree,
admits that her initial desire for a
trailer was brought on by the desire to
off-set the high costs of staying in hotel
rooms and travelling with five kids to
sporting events and holidays.
“I was on a budget and really couldn’t
afford to just pull the trigger on one
large purchase all at once”, says René,
“so I started looking on Craigslist in 2012
and about three months later the Aloha
popped up. I knew immediately I had to
have it. I drove two hours to see her. It
was definitely love at first sight”.
With the unbridled enthusiasm of one
who has just purchased a vintage trailer,
and the idea that it would be a lot easier
to pay for a restoration bit by bit over
time than to come up with a lump sum
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