Ville Magazine l Insider Access for City Lifestyle Mar/Apr 2016 / People Issue | Page 66

ONE LAST THING PILE IT ON My number one tip is to first go through every item in your closet and make 3 piles: items you love, items you need to try on again, and items you never liked in the first place. The “love pile” is a no brainer. Keep those items hanging in your closet and wear often. Be sure to check if some of these loved pieces are starting to pill, fade, look too worn, or are simply dated and need to go. The “need to try on again” items are ones you sometimes wear but need a reminder whether they are worth keeping. If you fidget with the fit, have to ask yourself multiple times whether it should stay, it’s time to let it go. For the last pile, be very honest with yourself. If it’s too small, too big, doesn’t make you feel good, makes you self-conscious, or if it just doesn’t fit your lifestyle anymore, donate it. When sorting through this pile, don’t think about the price tag or who gave it to you. Just put it in the donation bag and don’t look back. CHANGE OF THE SEASONS The next step to opening up more room in your closet is to put away the clothing and accessories that are off-season. Why keep everything in sight that you aren’t wearing at the moment? Go through your items and separate them by spring/summer and fall/ winter. If there is a silky print top you can pair with bright shorts on the beach, but can also be layered with a cozy cardigan for fall, you can wear this top all year. Pack the obvious winter items which include wool coats, tall boots, holiday prints, and chunky sweaters. Clear plastic bins that fit under your bed can be a great option, but find another storage area away from your closet if that’s already full. You will discover that th \