Ville Magazine l Insider Access for City Lifestyle Mar/Apr 2016 / People Issue | Page 30

You are originally from Montana. What brought We organize “Red-Eye Runs” where we ride our scooters all night, Scoot Around you to Seattle? Baseball. My family’s annual summer vacation was actually to drive our minivan to Seattle for Mariners games, followed by a full day of eating fish and chips on the waterfront. When I was offered a baseball scholarship to move here after high school, I was pretty excited. I still miss my little hometown of Libby, MT, but Seattle is definitely my home. You are currently a DJ for MOViN 92.5. Is this what you have always wanted to do? To be honest, not really. I was active in student government from elementary school through high school (and a total loudmouth), so I wasn’t afraid of speaking in public. Bu \