Ville Magazine l Insider Access for City Lifestyle Mar/Apr 2016 / People Issue | Page 24

first removal of anything cannabis related out of CSA. It released these types of products to the mainstream marketplace allowing them to be sold in spas, health food stores, and other locations within the state. The Cannabis Basics federal trademark is significant, because it was the first Federal TM awarded by the USPTO for a company logo with the word cannabis and the cannabis leaf, protecting a product with actual cannabis in it, not a service or educational institute. It is important to note that the USPTO did not award us this trademark based on our cannabis weed line [only available in WA]. Rather, it was awarded based on our worldwide cannabis hemp line. These two distinct lines have a very similar branding, which will by default also protect the intellectual property of the weed line. Have you struggled selling your product within a society with the majority still having a stigma towards cannabis? Photo: Daniel Hager What made you interested in this industry? THE CRUSADER THIS PAST YEAR, AH WARNER WAS GRANTED A FEDERAL TRADEMARK FOR CANNABIS BASICS MAKING IT THE FIRST BY THE USPTO THAT PROTECTS A COMPANY LOGO WITH THE WORD CANNABIS AND THE CANNABIS LEAF. Ah Warner has been surrounded by cannabis her entire life. Her family was involved in smuggling, trading, and selling the drug. Even though it was illegal, she didn’t consider it wrong. Instead, she felt like she was providing a valuable product to those who were in need. In 1995, she took that passion and launched Cannabis Creations, later renamed Cannabis Basics, producing quality health and beauty aids with premium organic hempseed oil and cannabis flowers. 24 l VILLE l PEOPLE ISSUE You could say it’s in my genes. My grandfather smuggled weed under the brim of his helmet crossing the Mexican border. My brothers were all involved to one degree or another in the weed trade back in the 70’s and 80’s. I had a triple beam set up in my best friend’s father’s office back in high school, selling ounces while he vacationed in Florida for the winters. I had always been the “hook up.” I have never grown weed myself, but have helped many friends grow and have spent countless hours manicuring weed for distribution which was really where my talents lay. Cannabis Health and Beauty Aids are newly defined by Washington law here, can you tell us about the process and how that related to you getting your trademark granted? In 2015, I co-authored The Cannabis Health and Beauty Aids Act with political analyst and patient activist, Kari Boiter. The act would define CHABA as topical cannabis products that are not meant for human or animal consumption, less than .3% THC, non-intoxicating, and not marijuana, removing them from the Washington Controlled Substances act (CSA). It was the I am no longer experiencing the pushback of the 90’s; however, I am completely aware that we live in the Great Green State of Washington. I am finding that the older generations are embracing these types of products. Pain is a common denominator, especially in aging folks. Since these types of products can help with pain and inflammation while remaining non-intoxicating, many people now think it’s cool to be connected to a healthy cannabis product. One of my favorite accounts is a yarn store in Bellingham where my products sell like hot cakes to mostly older women who just want to be able to crochet and knit without pain. What is one misconception that you would like people to understand when it comes to cannabis? There are two types of cannabis. First, there’s industrial hemp which has less than .3% THC and used in a multitude of industries including skin care. Then there’s weed which we’ve used for medicine, celebrations, and rituals pretty much forever. Hempseed oil from the pressed seeds of hemp is the foundational element in my formulas. Hemp oil, which is rich in Omega’s 6 and 3 in the perfect ratio that human’s need for optimal cellular performance, promotes elasticity and collagen production. Now that you are trademarked, what are the next steps you are planning for your brand? As I mentioned, our hemp line can be sold anywhere. We can pick up accounts all over the U.S. knowing that our branding is fully protected by federal law. Our focus, though, for the next few years will be building the Cannabis Basics Education Wellness and Research Center. We will manufacture Cannabis Basics CHABA for the state while growing and researching industrial hemp, as well as be providing an educational destination complete with a museum, event space, and a wellness center. Our ultimate goal is to get CHABA back in the hands of all health-conscious consumers and to make Washington State known worldwide as the modern day birthplace of Cannabis Health and Beauty Aids.