Introduction to Essential Oils
Everything we need to heal ourselves has been given to us from nature. Essential oils have provided healing and therapeutic benefits to mankind since the beginning of time. In the ancient times, essential oils were stolen from tombs of pharaohs and the very wealthy. Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant. If you have ever enjoyed the gift of a rose, a walk by a field of lavender, or the small of freshly cut mint, you have experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. Essential oils can lift the mood, calm the senses and elicit powerful emotional responses. Yet determining the quality and efficacy of an essential oil goes way beyond its fragrant appeal. When choosing an essential oil, make sure it is considered “certified pure” part of the Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® process. Not all oils are created equal and can be toxic and harmful to our bodies if not processed properly. Achieving certified pure status starts by choosing the right plant material and harvesting it at the perfect moment. Lavender from Mexico is different from the lavender grown in France. The pH level and nutrients in the soils are different in each location, relative humidity is different and more. Each harvest of plant material has it own “fingerprint” and therefore each must be tested later in the process of purity and therapeutic grade qualities. The essential oils are derived from plants by an extraction process. The most commonly use is a steam distillation and the other is a cold press extraction process. There are different grades of essential oils and it is important to be aware of the distinction. • The lowest grade of essential oils are synthetic and are produced in labs that have copied the components of the oil. These oils are very low quality and are used in lotions and perfumes. • Next are food grade essential oils. These are approved by the FDA and scaled on a GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) scale. Manufacturers can use 10% of “natural product” and claim that it is 100% pure. These are used to flavor foods like lemon in salad dressings or cinnamon chewing gum. • The next grade, intended for a health benefit, is therapeutic grade. This has held the standard in the oil industry for the last 30 years. These are oils found in health food stores and used in the health industry. • Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® is a standard that demands the highest quality in all aspects of growing, processing, distributing essential oils. It guaranteed not to have herbicides, pesticides, weeds, synthetic fillers or other contaminates. Each liter is tested for its purity and efficacy. Join me next month as we discover the healing power of using essential oils and their effects on the body. In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about essential oils, contact Deanna Snyder, RN at 407.252.6383 or [email protected] or log on to my website Be balanced, well and happy, De ?