Village Voice June/July 2014 | Page 9

1st Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion (said) 2nd Sunday 9.30am Parish Communion 3rd Sunday 9.30am Parish Communion 4th Sunday 9.30am Parish Communion Thursdays 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 9am Holy Communion 11am 11am 11am 11am Family Service Parish Communion Matins Holy Communion BIGHTON NEWS Monthly Draw winners April 2014: £50: Angela Smith £30: Chris Edwards £20: Tim Davis £15: Rosemary Bayly £10: John Crawford May 2014: £50: Simon McCowen £30: Guy Gisborne £20: Julia Douglas £15: John Sargent £10: Elaine Arnold Could YOU help the Bighton and Gundleton fete this summer? Bighton - Friday Bus Pick-up times for passengers who use the minibus from Old Alresford, Gundleton and Bishops Sutton. To be sure of catching the bus on the outward journey, we suggest that you arrive at the stop with at least 10 minutes to spare. The Brook 9.30am. Gundleton crossroads 9.40am. Bishops Sutton 9.45am. Arrive at the Alresford Community Centre 9.55am. Return trip starts at We really need help transporting tables and chairs from the village hall up to the field on Saturday, 6th September, and then back again after the fete on Sunday, 7th September. If you own a van or have your own trailer and think you might be willing to help, please contact Bob Ellis on: [email protected] Thank you on behalf of everyone on the village fete committee. 11.30am. 7