As you know, every year we hold an intervillage quiz, a dreadful raucous affair where
everyone goes along saying ‘I’m no good at
quizzes - I don’t know anything’ and ends up
shouting the odds and cheering their team on.
Who do you think organises that? Or the great
‘pub nights’? Or the very popular ‘Hog the
Limelight’ events? Or T.O.A.D.S’ splendid
productions? We all lead busy lives, especially
those of us with children. But here’s a thought.
If children grow up in a household that’s
involved locally, they will be more likely to carry
on the tradition.
Let’s have a lively, vibrant community, not a
sleepy, tired one.
So come on, (and I believe I used these words
once before – or was it JFK?): Ask not what
your community can do for you, ask what you
can do for your commu