of those blue sky Saturday mornings and it
was a pleasure once again to be joined by
local councillors and the PCSOs for our
area. I don’t think we rose for breath once in
two hours and with subjects ranging from
local housing plans to Syria and the Scottish
referendum, it’s little wonder. Keep an eye on
www.stevebrine.com/alresford for details
of future events.
Finally, readers may know of the work I do in
Parliament as Chair of the All-Party Breast
Cancer Group. Through that role I met up
recently with Kris Hallenga who, at 28 years
old, has a terminal diagnosis with the disease.
Kris however, is far from beaten and she now
runs a brilliant charity called ‘CoppaFeel’ which
teaches young people to be breast
aware. Alongside this she is on a mission to
bring cancer education to the school syllabus
and her rethinkcancer.com website is making
quite a splash. Kris and I are working on
something in Winchester which could be really
special, so look out for that. Updates at
You can catch up on much more of my work
via www.stevebrine.com or by calling my
office on 01962 791110.
Steve Brine
MP for Winchester & Alresford
01962 791110 (constituency)
0207 219 7189 (House of Commons)
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.stevebrine.com
Steve Brine TV: www.stevebrine.tv
Hampshire, Alresford and its surrounding
Villages are full of highly competent
successful entrepreneurs who make the
wheels of Industry whizz. I feel it incumbent
on me to redress the balance.
I left you, Dear Reader, having given up
General Practice, which I loved, for a
tantalising career with our Family Company,
Provincial Insurance. People often wonder
what we have done to deserve the chance
to live in, love, and look after The Old
Rectory, Bighton, and indeed, so do we. The
truth of course is, Absolutely Nothing. My
Great Grandfather, it is said in the Family,
invented the No Claims Bonus, and applied
it very successfully in the company he
founded in 1908.
In due course I joined the Board of Provincial
Insurance, and I joined the Board of its