Village Voice June/July 2012 | Page 27

Message to our readers: THE DEADLINE FOR THE AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2012 EDITION IS SUNDAY, 1ST JULY 2012 ADVERTISING RATES (Revised 1st April 2010) Advert size Per issue Per year (6 issues) ¼ Page (approx. 9 x 6 cm) £18 £97 ½ Page (approx. 9 x 12.25 cm) £36 £194 Whole Page (approx. 18.25 x 12.25 cm) £54 £291 Small ads are charged at 20 pence / word. 10% reduction if booked for 6 issues. We charge for commercial advertising and non-residents’ small ads. There is no charge to residents for community or small sale / wanted ads. Please contact a member of the editorial team. All advertisements will be reproduced in black and white only. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (1st April 2008) The magazine is issued free to residents of Abbotstone, Bighton, Gundleton and Old Alresford. However, the magazine is available to non-residents for an annual subscription of £7.00 for six issues per year. Please make your cheque payable to Village Voice and send it to the Treasurer (see inside front cover for address details). Opinions expressed in articles are not necessarily those of the editorial committee. Every care is taken to see that details printed are accurate. However, we can take no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred for any reason, nor can we take responsibility for goods or services offered by advertisers.