Village Voice February/March 2014 | Page 13

THE INTERVILLAGE QUIZ Bighton and Old Alresford met in November for the honour of their village. A feast of food, from Small Eats to Three Courses, Fine Wine, Beer aplenty, and a lot of fun. The Stuffers and the Slackers, the Dexters and Sinners (wasn't that the Sinisters?) led appropriately enough by the Bishop of Basingstoke, locked horns under the eagle eyes of Arnold and Johnson. That faint unease that came with exams at school was all pervasive. Johnsons, and to those who cleared up afterwards. (I stood around laughing, but then, I'm Management.) Our team came last, and both sets of Team Mates immediately e-mailed to say that they were on for the next one. What a great way to spend an evening. Dr John Sargent Editor’s note: The winning village was Bighton, and first and second place were taken by The Questionnaires and Pointless (both Bighton / Gundleton teams). We had a total of twelve tables competing - a record for Bighton Village Hall – so if you’re thinking of entering a team next November, better book as soon as you see it a