Manor Farm
Representatives of The Watercress
Company are coming to the January
Parish Council meeting. We don’t know
the purpose. Parishioners will be kept up
to date.
Mollie Paul
We were sorry to hear of the death on 8th
January of Mollie Paul, widow of Air
Commodore Christopher Paul. Mollie lived
for many years in Old Alresford before
moving to Sun Lane, Alresford. R.I.P.
All three street lights along the path by Old
Alresford Place have been vandalised
(probably by an air rifle). The Parish
Council and the police would welcome any
assistance in discovering the vandals.
Old Alresford Parish Council
Phone box
Now that we own the phone box on the
Village Green we need to decide what use
to put it to. BT have removed the
apparatus inside.
Parishioners are invited to suggest
possible uses. Around the country such
phone boxes have been adapted for
various purposes. Whatever is eventually
decided it is important to remember that
there is always the danger of vandalism,
theft, etc.
Refuse bins in Hall car park
and next to bus stop
Parishioners may have noticed that
around Christmas these three bins were
not only full to overflowing but had rubbish
left next to them. Those using the bottle
banks are asked to take their containers
home with them if the green bin is full. Biffa
are not as helpful as Serco were when
asked to empty overfull bins between
rounds. Cardboard should be recycled. At
New Year Biffa refused to take cardboard
next to the green bin as they claim it is
OAPC meeting dates
1 March; 26 April (Annual
Assembly); 24 May; 19 July.
A stunning, imaginative set created an
atmospheric background to the TOADS
panto, Peter Pan. Freely adapted from the
original story by the creative talents of
members of TOADS, Peter Pan was a
magical escapade to Neverland with
references traditional and modern – and
local, of course. From the moment Peter
Pan and Tinkerbell flew in through the
window of the Darlings’ house the
audience was taken on a wonderful
journey, encountering, along with the
Darling children, the dastardly Captain
Hook and his pirates, the waif-like Lost
Boys, the marvellous, hilarious mermaids,
and the squabbling Indians. Wendy was a
kind yet firm mother to the Lost Boys and
the Crocodile crossed the stage in a
suitably threatening manner, casting fear
into the heart of the cowardly Captain. Mrs
Smee was a loud and buxom Dame while
the pirates roared and aar-ed along with