Village Voice February/March 2012 | Page 13

Footways (i.e. paths alongside roads, or metalled paths between areas) are most likely to be the responsibility of Hampshire County Council. With the ‘Operation Restore’ for Roads programme, the footways have not taken priority for several years now, and a number are in poor condition. Please report any faults on or report on the website – on the front page under ‘report a road problem’ or call 0845 603 5633. Finally, HCC and the New Forest and South Downs National Park authorities are putting out a joint pre application Bid Document for Sustainable Public Transport. It describes the way forward for a public bus service to serve tourists and residents alike. This is extremely interesting because it mirrors my proposal to the SDNPA in autumn 2011 when we were trying to improve village bus services. If you receive your magazine before the month begins, there is just time to respond to the Draft Plan by 27th Jan 2012. The link is: If you have the internet at home, for quick access to this month’s consultation documents, please click the links on my website. If you do not, and wish to know more, please call me and I will ensure that a paper copy reaches you. Councillor Jackie Porter e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01962 791054 Text: 07973 696 085 or write to me at: The Down House, Itchen Abbas, Winchester, Hants SO21 1AX Snowdrop Sunday on Sunday, 19th February at The Down House, Itchen Abbas SO21 1AX in aid of the National Gardens Scheme: raising money for Cancer care and research, arthritis and other deserving causes. Snowdrops, winter borders and country walks features. Open for the afternoon. Teas available. All welcome! 11