Village Voice December 2012/January 2013 | Page 11
Merry Christmas!
The County Corner is in list form this month,
as we all resort to writing long lists at this
time of year!
Keeping in touch with friends and relations
How is your broadband signal? Invitations to
tender have gone out for Hampshire’s work
to bring faster broadband to rural areas.
Anecdotes which describe the practicalities
of slow broadband are always useful in
explaining the problems, and provide a
powerful lobbying tool. Please email if you
can or call me with your story.
The bells are ringing
Age UK has a new very simple phone for the
elderly which makes it easy to call family and
friends. Call 0800 011 3342 for details or go
to the Age UK website.
Christmas Lights and starry nights
As the rollout out of the County’s new low
level lighting starts to spread towards
Winchester it is a joy to see the footways
well-lit and the skies remaining dark. Watch
out for the scheme as it moves into the
Itchen Valley division in 2013. Lights in the
South Downs National Park will be LED style.
colder. Please use your nearest grit bin to
make sure nearby footways are salted on icy
days and offer your help if you can to
neighbourhood care groups.
Happy and Healthy New Year!
Spring 2013 sees the official start of the
CCG’s- the Clinical Commissioning Groups
led by the GP consortia across the County.
The direction of services will be considered
by the Health and Wellbeing Board, and the
County takes on its clear role as the leader
in Public Health, and increased role as
scrutineer of Health Provision. If you have
an unresolved issue with your health
provider, you can report it to your County
Councillor too.
What’s your New Year resolution for 2013?
I often get asked…’do you know anyone
who could…?’ Could you become a foster
carer, a charity volunteer or a School
Governor? Please call me for ideas and lots
of ways you can use your talents to help in
your community!
Councillor Jackie Porter
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 01962 791054
07973 696 085
or write to me at: The Down House, Itchen
Abbas, Winchester, Hants SO21 1AX
Goodwill to all at Christmas
Thank you to all the volunteers who work all
year round to provide lunch clubs and
neighbourhood care groups. Your week inweek out volunteering is really appreciated.
The joy of the Christmas celebrations
My mum’s called Joy! She’s 85 and not so
steady on her feet now. Perhaps you know
someone similar? Please watch out for
elderly people this winter as the days go