Bunting blowing in the breeze, a blue sky
and warm sunshine, and Old Alresford
Village Green was the perfect setting for a
really traditional English village fair on a
Saturday afternoon.
Crowds gathered to watch the jolly
Appalachian Dance Group 'Knickerbocker
Glory' performing dressed in their bright blue
outfits. Over in the Brook the Eastleigh
Model Boat Club's remote controlled boats
plied up and down the waterway and later
the great duck race took over the water and
was so popular they sold out of ducks. There
was a long queue for ice cream and the
chance to throw a pot on the potter’s wheel
was a must for the children.
The fun Dog Show attracted all shapes and
sizes... dogs and their owners!
Stalls were dressed to represent the teams
in the Football World Cup. The plant stall,
decorated with paper sunshades and flags,
represented Japan and the stallholders
sported elegant kimonos. The largest Bric-aBrac stall we have ever had, complete with
old fashioned pram and cartwheel should
have featured on TV's Bargain Hunt with its
stallholders dressed for Greece. Fir trees
sprouted on the Swiss book stall and the
delicious cakes on the cake stall were
served by two Mexicans complete with
Mexican hats and moustaches. Bright and
bold were the Brazilian team with their
Grand Draw and the Youth Club brought
along their inflatable kangaroo and flew the
Australian flag. TOADS appeared in bright
orange to cheer on the Netherlands and
many other national flags flew in the gentle
summer breeze.
wonderful open top bus and gave free
rides to and from New Alresford... much to
the delight of all on the top deck, ducking low
branches along The Weir.
A wonderful array of prizes for the Grand
Draw was headed by the first prize, an Apple
iPad mini, generously donated by Alresford
Salads, and won by Jill Buss. An Old
Alresford resident won Tea at the Houses of
Parliament with our MP Steve Brine.
There were stalls, sideshows and
refreshments and plenty for everyone to
enjoy and of course Old Alresford wouldn't
be complete without an abundance of
watercress for sale donated by The
Watercress Company.
Thank you to everyone who helped,
contributed and came along to support us on
the day. The total raised was £5,100 and this
will be shared between The Christy Hall, St
Mary’s Church and The Amenities Fund.
Some of the money raised last year was
used to replace the crockery in the hall and
used on Fair Day for the teas.
With …… Free parking, free admission and
a free bus ride it is a pretty super day out for
all the family ...including the dog. Don't miss
it next year!
Gundleton Honey
Soft set honey: £4.00 ~ 1lb jar
Beeswax hand balm: £5.00 ~ 60ml
Beeswax lip balm: £1.50 ~ 5ml
Adrian & Elaine Arnold
Tel: 736419
King Alfred Bus Company brought their