Village Voice August/September 2014 | Page 13

OLD ALRESFORD NEWS Old Alresford Parish Council A few weeks ago, Jim Kimber, strimming the grass on the Green, had an unpleasant encounter with dog faeces, necessitating his use of the Hall to remove the mess from himself. The Parish Council has apologised to Jim Kimber and made him a financial gift. Dog owners are reminded (yet again) that it is a punishable offence to allow their dogs to foul the Green (or any other public space). Parishioners are urged to report to the Parish Clerk any dog owners allowing this to happen. TOADS at the Front Once again, TOADS have set themselves a difficult task, and produced a triumph. How to reconcile the misery and futility of war, without sending the audience sobbing for the exit? They did it by a combination of letters to and from the front, with the writer and the reader on stage, together but separated, and scenes of wartime humour interspersed with songs of the period. It always seems unfair to pick out favourite items in an ensemble of such quality, but the highlights for me were the description of the extraordinary Christmas in the trenches, read by several "boy soldiers", and Elgan's beautiful readings from the war poets. The evening ended with rousing singing from the audience, who wiped away their tears before going home. TB St. Mary's Church, Old Alresford BASINGSTOKE HOSPITAL MALE VOICE CHOIR in concert Sunday,19th October 2014 at 3pm Tickets £10 (to include tea/coffee and homemade cakes) from Toni Booth 735293, Erica Sisk 732735 or Colin Pope 732132 All proceeds for necessary repairs due to Death Watch Beetle 11