Village Voice August/September 2012 | Page 3

OUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOUR HELP! COMMENT Greetings to all our web-footed friends! Last time we spoke we were all looking forward to a long, hot summer with plenty to celebrate: the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Old Alresford Fair, Andy’s Wimbledon, the Bighton Flower and Produce Show, Seb’s Olympics. And now look at us: dragging our weary, wet feet from pillar to post, only one topic of conversation on our lips - the weather. Of course, as you read this, the jet stream may well have gone back to where it’s supposed to be, and you may be lounging in the garden with Pimms in hand, listening to the drone of lawn-mowers and the sound of merry children’s laughter in the distance, having forgotten it ever rained, and still only in the early weeks of the school holidays. We may dream… So what’s left to look forward to? Well, hopefully you already have the Bighton Fete in your diaries. Sunday, September 9th is the day. We always seem to be lucky with the weather, and the fête gets bigger and better every year, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our wonderful fête committee. Please come along and support them, and enjoy the last big outdoor event of this eventful year. Nearly forgot – a date is shortly to be set in November for the annual inter-village quiz. Start thinking about your teams now (and it’s indoors – no macs required!) Jill Buss We need as many readers as possible to register an interest in bringing 21st century broadband to our area. This does not commit you to anything, but it will be your way of helping your friends and neighbours who do need the faster service and of safeguarding your community’s future. Please register at: or by telephone (01329 225398). It really is very easy: you need only supply your name and address and say why you want fast broadband. * * Examples could be: · To be able to take advantage of the many new entertainment and education opportunities that are being developed; · To be better able to keep in touch with family and friends; · To help keep our community together. Thank you. Barry Edge Terrana Fantastica Book I The Cypher Annulus by Geoff Buss A Medieval Fantasy suitable for ages from 16 to 90. Only available as an e-book now in the Kindle Store at Amazon Rated 1