The Alresford Surgery Newsletter
Station Road, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9JL
Telephone No. 01962 732345 Fax: 01962 736034
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For general advice or reassurance NHS Direct 0845 46 47
OUT OF HOURS 0300 300 2012
GP Changes
We are pleased to let you know that Dr Jane
Duggan, who has been working here on a
temporary basis, will be joining us
permanently working Mondays and
Dr Hayley Wilkinson completes her oneyear attachment and will leave us in August.
We will then be joined by Dr Alexander Rose
and Dr Verity Turner for 12- and 6- month
attachments respectively.
Flu Clinics
An early warning that we are preparing for
the annual flu campaign once again. The
take-up in this area was very good last year
but the Department of Health are keen to
increase further the number given to
qualifying patients. We have noticed that
take-up in the Under 65s who have
underlying health problems could be higher
and we are encouraging these patients to
attend. With this in mind we hope to run at
least one evening session this year. Clinic
dates and further information will be
published in next month’s editorial and on
our website in due course.
Alresford Surgery Patient
The next meeting of the Patient Forum is
due to take place on Tuesday 11th
September at 2pm.
The group was
launched in March 2010 with the following
1. To enable effective consultation with
patients on the current provision of
services and any future changes to
those services.
2. To facilitate greater understanding and
communication between practice staff
and patients.
3. To empower patient views and ideas
within the practice setting.
4. To act as a representative patient voice
when local provision of health and social
care are considered.
With the changes in the way that local
services are commissioned it is vital that we
seek the views and opinions of our patients.
If you would like to come along to the
meeting or if you have any comments or
suggestions to make please either email
[email protected] or telephone the
surgery. Further information is available on
our website.
Patient Participation
As you may be aware the Alresford Surgery
Forum meets approximately every 3-4
months. All registered patients are eligible
to attend the meetings. However, we
understand that it is not always easy to
attend meetings during the day. We are
therefore creating a 'virtual' patient group
who will be contacted up to four times a year
to complete short surveys about aspects of
the services we provide. All surveys will be
kept as brief as possible. If you would like to
register as a member of our virtual patient
gro \X\