The Alresford Surgery Newsletter
Station Road, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9JL
Telephone No. 01962 732345 Fax: 01962 736034
Web site –
For general advice or reassurance NHS Direct 0845 46 47
OUT OF HOURS 0300 300 2012
Surgery news
Shingles Vaccinations
Over the past few years the surgery has
become increasingly busy. Our patient
numbers have steadily grown and with an
increase in workload from the Department
of Health, we have noticed that our patients
are having to wait longer for a routine
appointment, despite an increase in the
number of appointments being offered.
This trend is also affecting our colleagues
at other surgeries.
We have recently sent letters to patients
who qualify for this new vaccination. Only
patients born between 1 Sep 1942 - 31 Aug
1943 or 1 Sep 1933 - 31 Aug 1934 can
have the vaccination at present. The
immunisation to all patients aged between
70 and 80 over the next few years.
We are able to offer same day
appointments to those patients requiring
urgent care. This will involve a telephone
consultation with either a GP or a Practice
Nurse. Many issues can be resolved
without the need for face to face contact,
but where a consultation is needed this will
be arranged for the same day or other
appropriate time. It is also possible to book
routine appointments in advance but there
may be a slightly longer wait than
recommend that all appointments required
for medication reviews are made in good
time, this can be done on line through our
We are in the process of reviewing how we
see our patients to ensure that we offer an
appropriate and efficient service. We ask
for your understanding at this time but
remind you that any requests for urgent
care will be dealt with as quickly as possible.
Boosters for 14- and 18-year-olds
We are writing to 14-year-olds offering their
standard booster of diphtheria/tetanus/polio.
This year a booster of the Meningitis C
vaccination is also being included in the
18-year-olds going to university for the first
time this year will also be advised to obtain
a booster of the Meningitis C vaccination.
More information should be provided in the
summer with induction details from the
universities. We are waiting to hear from
the Department of Health if we will be
asked to provide this vaccination or if it will
be given once students enrol at university.
New Receptionists
We are pleased that Tracy Budden and
Susan Inge are joining our team.
Travel Vaccinations and Advice
If you are travelling abroad and think you )