Villabration Catalog 2024 Final | Page 3

From our President Jody Sedler
Dear Friends of the Villa :
I continue to be amazed at the generous spirit of our parents , faculty , and staff . Pulling together an event like Villabration is no easy task and keeping it fun and fresh is even more challenging . Yet , with the help of Kristy Thomas and our “ think out of the box ” committee members , I think you will agree that our 48 th Villabration lives up to its theme --- “ Expect the Unexpected .”
As you enjoy your evening , please know that every raffle ticket , basket , silent and live auction item you purchase helps us do the unexpected with our students . We owe special thanks to our sponsors who help underwrite this event to benefit the Villa ’ s education programs . Shaping young minds , encouraging creativity , supporting personal growth through faith-filled activities , advancing the importance of teamwork and collaboration , and having fun is how our dedicated teachers work their “ magic ” with your children .
I would like to thank our Honorary Chairs , Nadia and Bain Butcher for their work on this year ’ s event . I am sure it is bittersweet that this will be their last year here , but they leave having had an immeasurable impact on our school and we are forever grateful . I also thank Dan and Isla Vogelpohl for being our Vice Chairs this year and committing to be our leaders for next year ’ s Villabration . Whether this is your first Villabration , you ’ ve been coming for years , or its your last , there are some surprises that await you tonight that will be unexpected . You won ’ t have to look far , but they may be hidden in a new raffle or a totally unique Silent Auction item or a “ one of a kind ” Live Auction experience . Be ready to hold up your paddle and support St . Ursula Villa .
Enjoy your evening surrounded by friends of the Villa and know how much we appreciate all that you do to allow our school to exceed all expectations !
Cheers ,
Jody Sedler