Villa Charities 2018 Annual Report VC19_AnnualReport_Interiors_Apr29_FNL2 | Page 44
columbus early
learning centres
Full-time enrollment
at Columbus Centre,
Centro Abruzzo and
Casa Del Zotto child
care centres
Enrollment increased at all three
Columbus Early Learning Centres in
2018 to a combined total of 177 children
in full-time care at year-end, up from
141 a year earlier. All centres continued
to have waitlists, particularly in the
toddler rooms, and preschool enrollment
exceeded capacity at the Columbus
Centre location.
The Columbus Early Learning Centres’
Quality Assessment ratings remained
high, and all three centres received a
clear operating license in 2018. The
rating system outlines expectations,
service standards and guidelines for
child care providers.
Summer camps were hosted at Casa Del
Zotto. The camps were very popular, with
educational and entertaining special
guests in-house – including a children’s
musical entertainer and a reptile show
– as well as off-site activities such as
bowling and movies. Similarly, community
partners including firefighters, a dentist,
police officer and librarian visited the
younger children at the Columbus Centre
and Centro Abruzzo locations at other
times of the year.
Casa Del Zotto held a “Give Back to the
Parents” event in December 2018.
Arrangements were made so that parents
could leave their children at the centre
after the normal closing hour of 6:00 p.m.
and pick them up at 8:00 p.m. Children
were served pizza for dinner and watched
a movie while their parents went holiday
shopping or enjoyed a dinner out.
Toddlers and preschool children from the
Columbus Centre child care visited seniors
at Villa Colombo Toronto for trick or
treating and singing. The children visited
most floors in the facility, where residents
handed out candies and treats. The
children, in turn, delighted the seniors with
their costumes and by singing for them.
The children also visit Caffè Cinquecento
on Friday mornings to sing songs with
patrons, accompanied by a guitarist and
mandolin player. The patrons often join
in with the children, singing, clapping
and dancing.
Special events included a Mother’s Day
tea and a Father’s Day breakfast at all
three centres. Visiting parents were
treated to baked goods, coffee and tea to
enjoy with their children. The centres also
hosted a summer social for the families.