Villa Charities 2018 Annual Report VC19_AnnualReport_Interiors_Apr29_FNL2 | Page 12
villa charities
visioning project
Visioning Project
Visioning sessions
In 2018, Villa Charities (VCI) conducted
an extensive community-wide
engagement project to gather input
from key stakeholders toward the
development of a Dufferin/Lawrence
campus-wide strategy.
Participating stakeholder
The ultimate objective of the Villa
Charities Visioning Project was to
listen to our community and gather input
so we could address any key, immediate
issues and needs, leverage VCI’s current
resources and identify the resources
needed to provide enhanced services
and facilities for the future.
This stakeholder engagement
process involved broad community
representation and served as an integral
component of our organization’s
strategic planning as we move into
the next decade, guiding us in the
development of a campus-wide
strategy that is focused on the future.
“Through our engagement and
networking process, Villa Charities
demonstrated its commitment to
improving the quality of life for our
community, now and for future
generations,” says Anthony DiCaita,
President and CEO, Villa Charities Inc.
health care providers, patrons and staff.
A total of 195 people participated in
12 visioning sessions.
Villa Charities would like to express our
sincere appreciation to everyone who
participated in the Visioning Project. We
greatly value the input of all stakeholders
as we embark on the creation of an
overarching campus plan that best meets
the needs of Italian-Canadians and an
increasingly diverse community for
generations to come.
The comprehensive final report
summarizing the findings from the
visioning sessions was shared during a
Community Open Forum in March 2019.
The event included a brief presentation
on the results, as well as a general
Q & A forum with VCI Board Chair
Santo Veltri and VCI President and
CEO Anthony DiCaita.
The report has been shared
with stakeholders and is available
for review and download at
To watch the archived live stream
of the event visit
The project began in April 2018 with an
initial visioning exercise where Directors
of Villa Charities and each Affiliate met
to outline their key future priorities for
the organization. The process was then
expanded to include other stakeholder
groups including the local and Italian
communities, cultural industry leaders,
the long-term care community, other