Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 9

oi “ 1 India L i t i g a t i o n Update Risk seems to be attracting short-term Visitors from the Middle East. One w o m a n from Dubai has just flown in for the weekend Celebration Camp, while another came from Doha in Qatar for an eight-day stay. RUHII HOUSE Many of the people who come here are Scandinavians, but just recently three people were heard speaking fluent French together in the dining r o o m , while a loud discussion in Italian was hap‑ pening in the kitchen. The official language for this international center is English, much to the relief of those of us who find the strange sounds of Danish impossible to learn. Sudas, by the way, has the dis‑ tinction of being the only Irishman who teaches Danish to immigrants wanting to become residents in Denmark. He retires from the job n e x t year after 20 years of public teaching. During the endless days of summer it’s light when you go to bed and light when you wake up, but now the days are shrinking as a u t u m n approaches. As they say on HBO’s addictive TV series Game of Thrones . , W i m e r is coming!" Never mind. There are no White Walkers here, and Risk continues to offer a full program of workshops, retreats, and trainings throughout the year. And if the darkness gets mo much, one can always hop on a Finnair flight to Mumbai and take a break on the beaches of Goa. 0mmmmmmmmm. . a11andsubl1uti©yahoacom Lo ' In June 2013 petitioners in Pune filed a n e w w r i t petition with the Bombay High C o u r t of India to place the property of Osho International Foundation (OIF, the Indian trust) and Neo Sannyas Foundation (NSF) in receivership, removing the c u r r e n t trustees, and force the r e t u r n of millions of dollars that have been transferred to private ownership. These are the same petitioners who success‑ fully stopped the gift of property from these trusts to Darshan Trust (alleged, to be in N e w Delhi whose trustees are long-time Resort resi‑ dents). This writ petition alleges that in a property trade arrangement for the building of the new meditation hall and guest house, millions of dollars in t r u s t property ended up in the hands of Osho Multimedia and Resorts Pvt. Ltd. (OMR), a for-profit company whose board of directors is made up of Mukesh, Vidya, and Devendra. These three people are sharehold‑ ers, along with three others, so they personally receive the company profits. They are also the only three trustees for NSF and operate both the trust and the for-profit company o u t of the same office in Mumbai. The writ alleges that under this arrangement they could freely mis‑ use funds and transfer them to their for-profit company. Evidence produced with the writ shows that credit card purchases made in the Resort bookstore and for stays in the guest house go directly to O M R and n o t to the trusts _ The Wm also alleges that trusmes 0f 01F 501d an apartment to the Wlfe 0f the how.” 0f the Resort m a i n t e n a n c e contract at a rldiculously low rate, at the same time taking o u t loans at high rates and jeopardizing the financial sta~ bility of the trust. _. .. These petitioners have taken one posmon that is ControverSial' They Claim that NSF (Currently controlled by Mukesh, Vidya, and Devendra) owns the copyrights to Osho’s work. This is a position that has been strongly opposed by the opponents of OIF, Zurich, for a variety of legal reasons. The f u l l t e x t of the writ petition is available at