Everything is a device, because the truth cannot be said,
so only devices can be given. You have to be convinced
about the devices, but they will have to be dropped at
the last moment. But that does not mean that you have
to drop them now! Dropping them now will not help; now
you have to use them to their utmost possibility. And then
that moment will come byitself. When the device has
reached to the peak, it disappears. [...]
The whole problem arises because the truth cannot be
said, sosomething has to be devised that will bring you
to truth. And the device has to besuch that it will not
become anobstruction in itself. Sothe great Master is one
who gives you a device that is made in such a way that it
is going to disappear automatically, autonomously, the
moment you come close to truth. [...]
Any device can become a barrier too. It may help you to
get rid of other things, but finally you have to get rid of
it ‐ and that may bea difficult thing. [...]
But there are devices that will not create such atrouble,
and there are devices that will fall automatically. The
moment when you are reaching to the climax ofyour being
they will simply fall down.
I call a Master a great Master, the perfect Master, who
creates devices that are going to fall on their own accord
when the moment has come for the person to experience
the ultimate. Other devices are created bysmaller people.
Perhaps they don’t know that these devices can become
attachments themselves.
Soeverything I say is a device. Myspeaking to you is
a device so that you can just be here ‐ your mind is
engaged, listening to me, and something invisible can go
ontranspiring between meand your hearts. That's the real
The words will help the mind to remain engaged. They are
likejust toys. When you don’t want children to disturb you
- you are studying ‐ you give them toys, and they start
playing with the toys, soyou can do your work or study or
doanything you want to do, and the children won’t come
to you to bother you and ask you questions and this and
The mind isjust like a child.
The words arejust toys for the mind ‐ not truths, but
simply toys. But while the mind is engaged something
can happen from my depth to your depth. You may not
understand it, but it will start bringing changes in you,
transformations in your being.
Sometimes simply sitting silently with me...but then
there is always the problem that your mind will disturb
you. I have tried sitting in silence with you, and I have
seen what the problem is. I can reach your heart less;
your mind is disturbing you too much. Speaking seems to
be a better device: Your mind remains engaged, and once
in a while i f I give a gap between two words, the mind
does not disturb. The mind simply looks and waits: "What
is going to happen? What is going to be said?"
And meanwhile the real work is happening. The real work
is from myheart to your heart.
Beyond Psychology, Chapter 36
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