Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 29

Lhce Happens...? Where Are We When it Does? BYAMARESH When I look back at my life I remem‑ ber everything good that happened and everything “not so good” that hap‑ pened. Today, when both are over, I only feel that without one the other could n o t exist. Be it a relationship fall‑ ing apart, be it a promotion coming my way, be it a financial loss in a business, be it a medical surgery that I needed, be it an investment I made ‐ I look at all of it and realize that all of it was needed to make me what I am today. Osho has been in my life since I was five years old ‑ probably one of the last of my generation who saw H i m in person, listened to H i m in discourses, and meditated with H i m live. Since I have been with H i m I have known that His "Zen hits” will keep coming at me with a reminder to look w i t h i n , to meditate, to slow down and witness, to ask myself what is the most important thing to me in my life. Is it the n e x t better house? Is it financial security? Is it job satisfac‑ tion? Is it making more money?Is it a better luxury car? Is it a n e w business venture? Is it a nice bonus? Will any of this make me satisfied? Will any of this make me happy inside? A l l the time I am asking myself these questions I know that I am looking for something else besides all of the above, that something else is within me: my o w n discovery of m e ; my o w n self-odyssey. When I forget to ask myself these questions, rest assured my Master sends me a Zen hit and a reminder ‐ what are you doing, Amaresh? That h i t could be in any form or shape. It forces me to go inside, and if I don’t do that, I am never at peace. Osho keeps on saying that we take life for granted. This never hits us until we face a life-changing adverse situation or condition. The m o m e n t that hap‑ pens we look at everything in life and start figuring out: “What do I do next? What is m o s t important for me? If I had a certain fixed time remaining, what would I do that would be the m o s t meaningful and significant for me?” It shakes a person to the core the m o m e n t he/she faces his or her mortality. I always wonder: If we have such an intense reac‑ tion when we find ourselves in an adverse medical situation, then why don’t we have the same intense reaction in every day of o u r lives? Do we know how long we are on this Earth? We obviously don’t. Then what is it within us that lets go of the fact that life is precious? O u r time on this Earth is precious! Everything around us is fragile. We need to be focused on the right priority for us. My discovery has led me to the understanding that we like to fol‑ low the herd mentality. Yo u m u s t have seen the a n t s that crawl in a line behind one another. I think we are like those ants ‐ walking silently behind each other. We are all in the same r a t race but have no guts to get o u t of the line and be our o w n Master! By the time we realize that it’s a r a t race it is usually t o o late. I don’t mean that we should n o t work or have rela‑ tionships or buy a nice house or buy a nice car or get a nice g y m membership. I m e a n that we can do all these things, enjoy them while they are around, but n o t get so fixated on them that we are always running to acquire them without pausing to think if that n e w dress or n e w car or n e w cell phone or n e w job or new relationship is really important to us as persons. I often ask the question: "Why has this happened? Or that happened? What did Existence w a n t from me? Why did I have to suffer?” B u t I never ask the question: “ W h y has an awesome thing happened? Why was I blessed with love and happiness?” Isn’t this what we all do? I have come to the point where if I w a n t to ask, then I should ask both kinds of questions or none at all. This does n o t mean that I w i l l get the answers to the question of why/what/ how something happens. I w i l l be lucky if those answers are around and can be found. In any situa‑ tion I find myself sooner or later coming to the point where I accept that there are no answers for any‑ thing good or n o t so good that happens in life. H o w can this realization that there are no answers happen? It can happen through any medium you like to use. It could be walking around Vasona Lake or along the bay in Crissy Field Park or working o u t on an elliptical machine or meditating or doing yoga or sharing with a friend about what is happening in your life. At the end of it all it’s really up to me as a person to figure o u t a way to deal with any situation I find myself i n . Three years ago I hurt my knees doing intense hiking and running, so I had to slow down due to that and give up the t w o activities I love doing. Of course I was sad about it. What choice was