Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 16

Mas/p Rev/W SOUNDS on THE SENSES MEDITATION RAGAS BY CHINMAYA DUNSTER; NEW EARTH RECORDS, 2013 of one of the physical senses, plus t w o additional tracks, one for the Mas/'9 Rat/AW #17 Ma/ Praia/M p W / I / f The music began, somehow. The fingers touched the sarod, and sounds emerged. The inspiration came, somehow. The wind, the wave, the flower, the fruit tickled the skin, the ears, the vision, the smell, the taste. The senses poured i n t o the heart, elevating i t , higher and higher, toward the One - awake, aware, alert. If you ask Chinmaya D u n s t e r , h e just laughs and says, " M y fingers just go there. And o u t it comes!” The magic of the music! Perhaps, it’s his love affair with the rhythms that evokes it. Perhaps it is his playful‑ ness. Perhaps it is just magic - a gentleness, the sound softly kissing the silence, making it deeper, heart chakra (Heart Meditation), and another for the shastrar (Consciousness Meditation). The liner notes include short meditation instructions and a quote from Osho's Book of the Secrets for each track, making this CDa beautiful and practical tool for our meditation H practice.' Chinmaya: [email protected]; Damini: prabhudamini©gmailcom Meditation Ragas is available from Viha for $12.95 plus shipping. My Vow/W7 richer. Chinmaya’s journey began in 1975, on a hippie trail from. the UK to India. Passing through Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, he was touched by the music of the East. In it he felt a deep acceptance, a surrender to something that was beyond the intellect, beyond the seen, the said, the heard. Terra Incognita, the unknown land, was the title of his first album. His latest, Meditation Ragas, is on the journey to that unknown land, a journey that traverses the seen, the said, the heard ‐ our senses. Each sensory organ can be experienced in t w