Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 14

From My Window: Gossip: from Bali and Beyond by Na Anand Bhagawati The people who have gathered around meare all misfits in the rotten society. Any intelligent person is bound to hea misfit in a society that is dead, out of date, superstitious, based on beliefsystems. F r o m Death to Deathlessness, Chapter 33 I dare say P r e m Leeladhar was the first, and maybe only, plastic surgeon who became a sannyasin. Talk about the original face... I recall Osho speaking about him and his work, some‑ times joking but also stating that sex changes through plastic surgery are a good means for people to expe‑ rience both the male and female mystery. Leeladhar took sannyas in 1977 and was doing "end‑ less groups” before he stayed in Pune One “forever,” working in the kitchen as a pot‐cleaner and a guard at No. 70. He was in Rajneeshpuram from its earli‑ est days ‐ eating and living. at the ranch farmhouse. The best job he ever had was working asa mem‑ ber o f the dam crew with A n a h a t t a , but “then came Pythagoras under Puja: back to all the medi‑ cal obligations with an operating theater, exams to be licensed in America, operating in Madras and Redmond.” Then followed a time of being a rather unsuccess‑ ful "Osho‐appointed ambassador” for Australia in Fremantle ‐ Niseema, his then‐partner’s, home country. The m a i n task was to do the promotion of Osho's 1988 Manifesto. Leeladhar returned to Switzerland and undertook additional training in Psychoenergetics and Family Constellation with H a r i s h a r a n , after having attended the counseling course in Pune Tw o . Moving from the outer aspects to the inner, he worked as a psychotherapist, which resulted in writing the book Liebe und Schmerz: Ein Schlu'ssel zur Gefu'hlswelt (Love and Pain: A Key to the World of Emotions), published in 2002. N o w retired in Switzerland, he enjoys hanging o u t with his three grandchildren and is happily married to P r e m Tarshita. Meditating on an "easy is right” basis, wandering for long hours in the beautiful hilly landscape of the Bernese Oberland, meeting old and n e w sannyasins as well as some "straight people,” and remembering what Osho told h i m , "Leeladhar, you are a born misfit.” (The Hidden Splendor, Chapter 21) [email protected] P r e m Bhaven (aka Prem) from Australia took san‑ nyas in Pune in 1976; his brother became Vimukta. In 1978 his mother, P r e m P u n i t a , took sannyas and started a commune in West Australia, which Osho called Soham. Later she managed Karri Valley, the forest resort purchased by Jay H a r m a n , where Sheela infamously created havoc. In Pune One P r e m was one of the pillars of Vrindavan enterprises, where he first worked as a handyman. When he asked to be part of the kitchen, he was paired with Yoga Videh to work the counter for an entire year, and then he moved on to cook with K u t i r. His Rajneeshpuram worship had h i m first asa truck mechanic at Mahavira and then as a farmer at Dadu. F r o m there Neehar sent h i m to work in Osho’s garden, which came as a surprise until he figured o u t the possible reason. He suspected that he, A r p a n a , and Srajan, who all knew little of gardening, had been placed there because "the girls in the house didn’t trust the tough guys with guns that made up the security for Lao Tzu House and who had been p u t in place by Sheela. So they arranged for their friends to be transferred to the garden." One day they were told to stay off the driveway in the afternoon ‐ so they all sat on the roof of the gardener’s hut and saw an airplane lifting off: Osho had left. After leaving Rajneeshpuram Prem came to Bali, which ever since has been a place of transit