
 MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT CAL CONFER .. 1  ELECTION RESULTS ..... 1 YOUR COUNCILORS ..... 2 MEETING DATES ......... 2 HOW YOU CAN HELP ... 2 CURRENT ISSUES ....... 3 FRIENDS OF HERITAGE HILLS UPDATE ............... 3  PHOTO CONTEST ....... 3  UPCOMING EVENTS ..... 3           MEMBERSHIP REPORT . 4 TREASURER REPORT ... 4 WEBMASTER REPORT .. 4 IVDAARA CELEBRATES . 4 SOCIAL EVENTS .......... 4 Winter 2014 Island View Drive and Area Ratepayers’ Association Newsletter Viewpoint THE ISLAND VIEW DRIVE AND RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION WAS CREATED IN 1975 FOR THE PURPOSE OF BRINGING THE PERMANENT AND SEASONAL RESIDENTS TOGETHER IN AND INFORMAL, SOCIAL, MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL REUNION. winter President’s Message As I write this note, the end of November approaches and it seems we’ve already been through winter, spring, and back to winter again. I raked the two feet of snow from my roof and watched as two days later all the snow melted. The current long range forecast suggests a winter much like the one last year: cold and snowy. December 1st replacing Robert Lennox and Judy Gay. Fall was busy with all of the activity surrounding the municipal election. Two new faces — Paul Sutherland and Sue Carleton — join Council Check our website often as it changes frequently: www.IslandviewDrive The fiscal issues raised during the election — bio-digester, airport, roads — remain and will challenge the next Council. Meeting list on page 2. On a brighter note, we have spring to look forward to and a fun new social event in the planning stages. Details will follow in the next newsletter and will be posted on the website late winter. ELECTION RESULTS INSIDE The results of the Municipal Election in Georgian Bluffs are in! More details available on our website: COUNCIL MEETING DATES INSIDE YOUR ATTENDANCE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Join us. Show support. Ask questions. Voice an opinion. These are your representatives … help them make intelligent decisions that affect each and every one living in Georgian Bluffs.