Video Games Magazine January 2015 | Page 3

Assassins Creed Rogue

Assassins creed rogue takes place during the mid 1700 you will play as Shay Patrick Comrad a formar assassi who has a long story. shay parick comrad was belived to be born around 1731 migrants His mother died in childbirth, and his father was often absent from home becauseof profetions a merchant marine, leaving Shay to be raised by his aunt. Living in a rough part of the city, Shay often found himself himself in trouble, but was constantly protected by his closest friend, Liam O'Brien during a mission the assassins recruted shay to a mission to get a peace of mechadice for the assassins shay acepted but after he found what he was looking for a massive earthquake colapsed wile shay tried to run for his life he saw the suffering of others shay had returned back to his mentors with so much rage claming that they tried to kill him his mentor aquillis was confused but shay claimed he was only sent out to kill inocents.