Video Ad Mastery Review - SECRET of Video Ad Mastery Video Ad Mastery review & (GIANT) $24,700 bonus | Page 7

This is great because... • • • This simple to use cheat sheet covers every single possible targeting option available to you inside Facebook. Easy, at hand reference to find unique and cost effective ways to target your ideal customer on Facebook. In depth data on what you can do with FB targeting at a glance, without endless fiddly to see the options inside Ads manager. Conclusion In conclusion, Video Ad Mastery is the deceptively simple video ad and retargeting system that lets youme gather data and sales quickly, even when starting a new pixel up from scratch. Let’s take a recap at what you’re going to learn with this product. • • • • How to setup viral video ads for instant niche engagement How to setup video engagement based audiences How to easily create short, story based product video ads with free tools and assets How to setup evergreen expiring timers to instil REAL urgency into your ad campaigns