Vibes Magazine Issue 4 Vibes Magazine issue 4 | Page 7

editor's note Changing Trends. Are you bored of mothers-in-law who plot and daughters-in-law who dote? Are you searching for new entertainments choice? So, Web Series are good option for you. The trend is to change. Indian audience can pay 900 rupees to watch a movie but it's unacceptable for them to watch an entertainment which is free. To the generation who is working most of the time. Internet though can't reduce their working hours but it has brought a superb option. Keep on changing T.V. Channels. You may stop at News Channels for knowing the breeze of hour but it is certainly possible that news channels are broadcasting what is neither a news nor a report. The media is loosing its trend of questioning. The next trend which is changing is that people are getting so ignorant that they are allowing media to control their mindset. They are ignoring all kinds of Pollution which in-turn are polluting Human Minds. So, in a way trends are not Trendy. They are not cool as people think so.  "An unexamined life is not worth living" So let us not carry these trends further. Let's not be an ideologist but an ideology.  Prakhar Khare EDITOR-IN-CHIEF