Vibes Magazine Issue 4 Vibes Magazine issue 4 | Page 29

figures, possibly at a later date. The ink of the drawings, text and page and quire numbers had similar microscopic characteristics. Every page in the manuscript contains text, mostly in an unidentified language, but some have extraneous writing in Latin script. The bulk of the text in the 240-page manuscript is written in an unknown script, running left to right. Most of the characters are composed of one or two simple pen strokes. Some dispute exists as to whether certain characters are distinct, but a script of 20–25 characters would account for virtually all of the text; the exceptions are a few dozen rarer characters that occur only once or twice each. There is no obvious punctuation. Some of the pages are missing, with around 240 remaining. The text is written from left to right, and most of the pages have illustrations or diagrams. Some pages are foldable sheets. Many YouTube Videos and Internet articles claims to decode the most mysterious book. But no one has authentic statement. It is kept inside Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and manuscript library lies the only copy of a 24 0 pages tome. The text consists of over 170,000 characters, with spaces dividing the text into about 35,000 groups of varying length, usually referred to as "words" or "word tokens" (37,919); 8,114 of those words are considered unique "word types".The structure of these words seems to follow phonological or orthographic laws of some sort; for example, certain  characters must appear in each word (like English vowels), some characters never follow others, or some may be doubled or tripled, but others may not.