With far too many channels competing
24/7 for the same sets of eyeballs and
target rating points, everything a channel
broadcast should be Breaking. It has
reduced the trend to research on a news
and report for it. The reporters are
replaced by anchors. The difference among
opinion, fact, and speculation is lost. You
need not run to any public department to
telecast why Trump hates media. But to
answer why there is water scarcity in
Bundelkhand? Why a three years degree
course takes five years in Bihar? Or why
there is air pollution in Delhi? One need to
step out and cover the news report.
The media today report recklessly on
ephemera that serves no impact on public
welfare. The democratic responsibility of
Media is to report all the actual content
and let the public decide on their own.
Not, everything is wrong with Indian
media. It has gained many positive
changes too.
Now, it conducts conclave, hosts
Swachchta missions and it is because of
media the issue of Women security
became a part of Manifestoes of elections.
Elections are more transparent now. It has
acted positive democratically.
But if media is in its evolution, then it
should come over these not so beneficial
aspects. . Our journalism, a face of India
that others see and by which – fairly or
not – we are judged, would be a good
place to start. Government needs a media
which could act as a mirror as well as a
scalpel. So, media should not bound itself
as a place of ephemeral stories.